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Go Beyond Beauty

for wildlife, clean waters, and beautiful gardens

The Go Beyond Beauty program celebrates garden professionals (nurseries, growers, and landscapers) committed to not selling or using high-priority ornamental invasive species. The program is free to any professional/organization that meets the GBB program requirements. Additionally, many of those participating in GBB also prioritize the sale and use of native plants - a big win for habitat in Michigan! 


Go Beyond Beauty serves as a resource to connect you with local horticultural professionals who go above and beyond what's required to be good environmental stewards. Are you a garden professional committed to not selling or using high-priority invasive species? We want to celebrate you! Contact us to learn about joining Go Beyond Beauty.

Regional Hubs

The Go Beyond Beauty Program was created by our neighboring CISMA, the Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network (ISN). Recently, they received grant funding to expand the program statewide via regional hubs. CAKE CISMA serves as the regional Go Beyond Beauty hub for Charlevoix, Antrim, Kalkaska, & Emmet Counties in Northwest Michigan. As a regional hub, we're your local point of contact and provide all the information necessary for you or your business to be a member of Go Beyond Beauty. We're thrilled to bring this long-anticipated program to our region. 

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Local Go Beyond Beauty Participants

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Go Beyond Beauty Website


Ornamental Invasive Species List


Go Beyond Beauty Registration


Go Beyond Beauty


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